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new-builds commissioning plan

Regarding the stages of commissioning of these units, it should be noted that the  forecasts for the change of the main energy indicators, for the electricity balance and for the installed electricity generation capacities in the country until 2050, presented in the Strategy, consider:

  • commissioning of one unit of 1,000 MW in the period 2030-2035.

  • commissioning of another unit of 1,000 MW in the period 2035-2040.

  • decommissioning of two units of 1,000 MW in the period 2045-2050.


According to the IAEA PRIS information system, in the last 15 years the time for construction of a nuclear unit (from the laying of the first concrete to the connection to the power grid) have increased to an average of 8.5 years, and in many cases significantly exceeding 10 years.

Taking into account such construction duration, as well as the necessary time for mobilization, design and licensing procedures, it can be assumed that for the implementation of the Strategy it is necessary for the planned investment project for construction of two new nuclear units of 1,000 MW to start effectively early enough in the period 2020-2025.

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