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Nuclear technologies studies


Pursuant to the Decision of the Council of Ministers of December 2002, in February 2003 MEER invites proposals for promising projects from the following companies: Westinghouse Electric Company - USA, Atomstroyexport - Russia, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. - Japan, Framatome ANP - France, Skoda - Czech Republic and Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd. (AECL) - Canada.

In response, proposals and detailed information on the following projects were received:

  • projects with pressurized water reactor V-392 (1000MW), V-466 (1000MW) and V-407 (640MW), presented by Atomstroyexport;

  • modernized project with pressurized water reactor V-320TK (1000MW), presented by Skoda;

  • project with pressurized water reactor AP 1000 (1000MW), presented by Westinghouse Electric Company;

  • two projects presented by Framatome ANP: with EPR pressurized water reactor (1500MW), joint development with Siemens and with SWR boiling water reactor (1000MW);

  • the modification of the standard design with heavy water reactor CANDU 6 (676MW), presented by AECL.

The received proposals have been analyzed in detail from the prospect of issues related to the technological, safety and economic aspects, the aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, the generation of RAW by types and radioactivity, their processing and conditioning, as well as the expected environmental impact.

Based on these analyzes, a feasibility study for the construction of Belene NPP using modern technology was prepared, considering eight possible technologies of the project.

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